Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Jack and Jill

(written half asleep at about 3am hastily in a blackberry notepad, I'm not inclined to edit at the moment)

In a perfect world there's me and you
The dream come true, the ever after
But in reality, there's Jack and Jill
Standing at the top of the hill

They've got their pails of water,
Ready to throw, to push us down
As they come tumbling after,
Their bellies filled with laughter

They whisper words into our ears,
Play upon our greatest fears
They splash out our spark,
And leave us scrambling in the dark

As Jack and Jill go running off,
Can we light what's almost lost?
Reach out and find each others hand,
Look a the hill and take a stand...

        Climb back up... Hand in hand