Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Listing lists and healthy living

Some random things that I love...

-The smell of fresh cut grass. I don't know why, but I always have. It just makes me smile.
-The smell of ocean. It's huge, it's beautiful, it's dangerous but cleansing. I love everything about the ocean. I was probably a mermaid in a previous life.
-The way I feel after a kick ass work out. Even if I feel like I want to die while doing it. Even if I bitch and whine and complain. I love the way it feels after. That triumphant, fuck yes I did this, feeling.
-Your name and the word boyfriend anywhere near it. I'm so in love with you and our life, it's ridiculous.
-My best friend Brittany, that's right I put her on my things I love list. I've never met her in person, but when I'm sad, when I'm happy, when I need someone to tell me exactly like it is.. she is there. I don't think my 'journey to a whole new me' could have happened with out her. B-Rizzle, you're a little piece of my heart floating around out there in Canada.
-Organization and lists. For a long time I felt like I had no control over my life. As part of my new lease on life, I have dove head first into being more organized. Part of that is creating lists, keeping a planner, organization at home. It's my way of having a little bit of control, I temper that with a free and open mind that realizes you can't organize or plan everything. Some things are out of your control, I just remind myself always that my REACTION and ACTIONS are in MY control.

  Okay so, this last month or two has been very rocky as far as sticking to my healthy lifestyle goes. I haven't remained consistently active and I haven't consistently eaten well. That's okay though. I can't dwell on that. What's done is done, and I can't go back and undo it. Rome wasn't built in a day, and much like that one can not change habits over night. Brittany and I have become work out buddies. Obviously we can't actually work out together, but I've created a my fitness pal account and I will be talking to her regularly about her healthy choices as well as about my own. I will remain accountable by talking about it, and tracking it.

  Last night I downloaded the 30 day shred work out, I'm going to be starting it tomorrow.. or maybe tonight, I haven't exactly decided yet. I'm excited about it. This morning I took the kids to school and then went to the park. I downloaded an app for my phone that does walk/run intervals and I spent 25 minutes at the park on the nature trails. 5 minutes of warm up walking, and then 5 each of 2 minute intervals of running/walking. Basically 5 minute warm up, 2 min run/2min walk, repeat 5 times. It might not seem like much, but to me it was a victory. I don't run. I hate running. It winds me so bad, and makes me feel like I'm going to die. I pushed through it though, I pushed through feeling like I couldn't breath. I pushed through the burn in my legs. I pushed through feeling self conscious of the people around me. I ran. I completed the goal I set for myself. Then I finished a work out with a group that was working out in the field, and then I left. It felt great. I feel great. I've set a goal for myself of where I want to be, by when and I am determined to get there. I have also set a reward for myself. Motivational win?

Okay, I'm going to go, I have a letter to write and future plans to daydream about.

I leave you with this quote I saw somewhere, I really like it.

"If you don't like where you are, change it. You are not a tree"

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